PPPoE(設定例1 その4)

PPPoE(設定例1 その3)」の続きです。





Ping による疎通確認




show cdp neighbors

各ルータで、隣接ルータの情報を表示してみます。「show cdp neighbors」コマンドを実行します。

●Router_Aの「show cdp neighbors」の出力

Router_A#show cdp neighbors
Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge
                  S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater

Device ID        Local Intrfce     Holdtme    Capability  Platform  Port ID
Router_B         Eth 0              160         R S       1710      Eth 0

●Router_Bの「show cdp neighbors」の出力

Router_B#show cdp neighbors
Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge
                  S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater

Device ID        Local Intrfce     Holdtme    Capability  Platform  Port ID
Router_A         Eth 0              132         R S       1710      Eth 0


show ip route


●Router_Aの「show ip route」の出力

Gateway of last resort is to network is subnetted, 2 subnets
C is directly connected, Dialer1
C is directly connected, Dialer1
C is directly connected, FastEthernet0
S* is directly connected, Dialer1

●Router_Bの「show ip route」の出力

Gateway of last resort is not set is variably subnetted, 2 subnets, 2 masks
C is directly connected, Ethernet0
C is directly connected, Virtual-Access1.1

show ip nat translations


●Router_Aの「show ip nat translations」の出力

Router_A#show ip nat translations
Pro Inside global      Inside local       Outside local      Outside global
---        ---                ---



PPPoE の debugコマンド


「debug pppoe ?」と入力するとデバックに使用できるオプションが表示されます。

Router_A#debug pppoe ?
  data     PPPoE data packets
  elog     PPPoE elogs
  errors   PPPoE protocol errors
  events   PPPoE protocol events
  packets  PPPoE control packets


Router_A(config)#debug pppoe data
Router_A(config)#debug pppoe elog
Router_A(config)#debug pppoe errors
Router_A(config)#debug pppoe events
Router_A(config)#debug pppoe pachet

 デバッグコマンドを実行したら、「show debugging」コマンドで、念のためにデバックコマンドが有効になっているかどうかを確認しておきます。

Router_A#show debugging
  PPPoE protocol events debugging is on
  PPPoE data packets debugging is on
  PPPoE protocol errors debugging is on
  PPPoE elog debugging is on



*Mar  1 18:49:13.155:  padi timer expired
*Mar  1 18:49:13.155:  Sending PADI: Interface = Ethernet0
*Mar  1 18:49:18.391: %PQUICC_ETHER-1-LOSTCARR: Unit 0, lost carrier. Transceiver problem?
*Mar  1 18:49:45.419:  padi timer expired
*Mar  1 18:49:45.419:  Sending PADI: Interface = Ethernet0
*Mar  1 18:50:17.675:  padi timer expired
*Mar  1 18:50:17.675:  Sending PADI: Interface = Ethernet0
*Mar  1 18:50:18.391: %PQUICC_ETHER-1-LOSTCARR: Unit 0, lost carrier. Transceiver problem?
*Mar  1 18:50:49.987:  padi timer expired
*Mar  1 18:50:49.987:  Sending PADI: Interface = Ethernet0



*Mar  1 18:52:29.391: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Ethernet0,
 changed state to up
*Mar  1 18:52:59.059:  padi timer expired
*Mar  1 18:52:59.059:  Sending PADI: Interface = Ethernet0
*Mar  1 18:52:59.059: PPPoE 0: I PADO  R:0005.9a3c.f7d5 L:000c.ce4b.b7a7 Et0
*Mar  1 18:53:01.107:  PPPOE: we've got our pado and the pado timer went off
*Mar  1 18:53:01.107: OUT PADR from PPPoE Session
*Mar  1 18:53:01.111: PPPoE 2: I PADS  R:0005.9a3c.f7d5 L:000c.ce4b.b7a7 Et0
*Mar  1 18:53:01.111: IN PADS from PPPoE Session
*Mar  1 18:53:01.115: %DIALER-6-BIND: Interface Vi2 bound to profile Di1
*Mar  1 18:53:01.119: PPPoE: Virtual Access interface obtained.
*Mar  1 18:53:01.119: PPPoE : encap string prepared
*Mar  1 18:53:01.119: [0]PPPoE 2: data path set to Virtual Acess
*Mar  1 18:53:01.119: [0]PPPoE 2: O
         C0 21 01 01 00 0A 05 06 0D 80 90 84
*Mar  1 18:53:01.123: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access2, changed state to up
*Mar  1 18:53:01.123: [0]PPPoE 2: I  R:0005.9a3c.f7d5 L:000c.ce4b.b7a7 Et0
         C0 21 01 01 00 13 01 04 05 AE 03 05 C2 23 05 05
         06 05 C5 82 67
*Mar  1 18:53:01.127: [0]PPPoE 2: I  R:0005.9a3c.f7d5 L:000c.ce4b.b7a7 Et0
         C0 21 02 01 00 0A 05 06 0D 80 90 84
*Mar  1 18:53:01.127: [0]PPPoE 2: O
         C0 21 03 01 00 08 01 04 05 DC
*Mar  1 18:53:01.131: [0]PPPoE 2: I  R:0005.9a3c.f7d5 L:000c.ce4b.b7a7 Et0
         C0 21 01 02 00 13 01 04 05 DC 03 05 C2 23 05 05
         06 05 C5 82 67
*Mar  1 18:53:01.131: [0]PPPoE 2: O
         C0 21 02 02 00 13 01 04 05 DC 03 05 C2 23 05 05
         06 05 C5 82 67
*Mar  1 18:53:01.135: [0]PPPoE 2: I  R:0005.9a3c.f7d5 L:000c.ce4b.b7a7 Et0
         C2 23 01 01 00 1D 10 D3 F9 DB 1A 81 18 DD A4 E9
         A8 5D D2 D9 0C 18 3A 52 6F 75 74 65 72 5F 42
*Mar  1 18:53:01.143: [0]PPPoE 2: O
         C2 23 02 01 00 1C 10 46 AC 48 A7 DB B1 99 EB EB
         5B B9 6F 7E B6 36 D9 63 6C 69 65 6E 74 31
*Mar  1 18:53:01.171: [0]PPPoE 2: I  R:0005.9a3c.f7d5 L:000c.ce4b.b7a7 Et0
         C2 23 03 01 00 04
*Mar  1 18:53:01.175: [0]PPPoE 2: I  R:0005.9a3c.f7d5 L:000c.ce4b.b7a7 Et0
         80 21 01 01 00 0A 03 06 C8 C8 C8 01
*Mar  1 18:53:01.183: [0]PPPoE 2: O
         80 21 01 01 00 0A 03 06 00 00 00 00
*Mar  1 18:53:01.183: [0]PPPoE 2: O
         82 07 01 01 00 04
*Mar  1 18:53:01.183: [0]PPPoE 2: O
         80 21 02 01 00 0A 03 06 C8 C8 C8 01
*Mar  1 18:53:01.187: [0]PPPoE 2: I  R:0005.9a3c.f7d5 L:000c.ce4b.b7a7 Et0
         80 21 03 01 00 0A 03 06 C8 C8 C8 02
*Mar  1 18:53:01.187: [0]PPPoE 2: I  R:0005.9a3c.f7d5 L:000c.ce4b.b7a7 Et0
         C0 21 08 03 00 0A 82 07 01 01 00 04
*Mar  1 18:53:01.191: [0]PPPoE 2: O
         80 21 01 02 00 0A 03 06 C8 C8 C8 02
*Mar  1 18:53:01.191: [0]PPPoE 2: I  R:0005.9a3c.f7d5 L:000c.ce4b.b7a7 Et0
         80 21 02 02 00 0A 03 06 C8 C8 C8 02
*Mar  1 18:53:02.179: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Virtual-Access2,
 changed state to up
*Mar  1 18:53:02.183: [0]PPPoE 2: Vi2 I FS
*Mar  1 18:53:02.199: [0]PPPoE 2: O
         C0 21 09 01 00 0C 0D 80 90 84 05 C5 82 67
*Mar  1 18:53:02.199: [0]PPPoE 2: Vi2 I FS
*Mar  1 18:53:12.423: [0]PPPoE 2: Vi2 I FS
*Mar  1 18:53:12.439: [0]PPPoE 2: O
         C0 21 09 02 00 0C 0D 80 90 84 05 C5 82 67
*Mar  1 18:53:12.439: [0]PPPoE 2: Vi2 I FS
*Mar  1 18:53:22.663: [0]PPPoE 2: Vi2 I FS
*Mar  1 18:53:22.679: [0]PPPoE 2: O
         C0 21 09 03 00 0C 0D 80 90 84 05 C5 82 67
*Mar  1 18:53:22.679: [0]PPPoE 2: Vi2 I FS


次の「PPPoE(設定例2 その1)」では、PPPoEを使用した設定例2を紹介していきます。
