IPv6 (link-local unicast address)

IPv6 (link-local unicast address)

The effective range (scope) of IPv6 address unicast is classified as follows.

  • global unicast address
  • Site-local unicast address (deprecated)
  • link-local unicast address

Link-local unicast addresses are described here.

 A link-local unicast address is a unicast address that is valid on the same subnet and is used for communication with hosts on the same subnet (link).

The bit pattern “1111 11110 10”, which in hexadecimal notation starts with “fe80:://10”.

 IPv6 hosts have at least one link-local unicast address on each interface. This enables address autoconfiguration and Layer 2 address resolution between hosts on the same link.

 Having a link-local unicast address allows you to connect to other hosts on the link without having a global unicast address.

 In IPv6 routing, the link-local unicast address is used as the next-hop address on the routing table.

The interface ID can be set manually or automatically.